Mid North High Rainfall Zone

>|< Save The Date >|< Autumn Update 3rd April 2025

>|< Save The Date >|< Autumn Update 3rd April 2025

Cutting edge research into broadacre farming and grazing practices, aiming to improve environmental sustainability, productivity and profitability in higher rainfall environments.

MNHRZ is a not-for-profit, membership based group focused on delivering research and development to primary producers located throughout the high rainfall zone of South Australia’s mid north region extending from Freeling in the South and Melrose in the North (see map below).


MNHRZ Upcoming Events

April 3rd (Thu) - MNHRZ Autumn Update 8:30 - 1:00 pm - Riverton Oval

August 1st (Fri) - MNHRZ Winter Walk

September 25th (Thu) - MNHRZ Spring Field Day

MNHRZ region

MNHRZ map.jpg

Working closely with leading agricultural researchers MNHRZ undertakes research into sustainable broadacre cropping and grazing practices to improve productivity and profitability. With trials sites located at Giles Corner and Farrell Flat key focus areas are always evolving to meet the needs of our region’s farmers including crop nutrition, frost mitigation, crop disease management, dual purpose crops, variable soil constraints and weed management.


Become a member

Primary producers and industry partners are invited to become a member of MNHRZ to keep up-to-date with the region’s latest farming research and practices. Annual membership includes entrance to events (field days, crop walks, presentations); newsletter subscription; and industry and trial updates throughout the season.

What’s on

See and learn from our trials first-hand at field days and crop walks. Learn from the experts at MNHRZ forums and workshops.

Annual Autumn update:

Within the High Rainfall Zone 2024 Mintaro

Held Annually in March/April

MNHRZ presents all the results of seasonal gained from MNHRZ trials by our researchers, collaborators, and includes information and knowledge sharing from high quality guest speakers.

Winter Walk:

Giles Corner

Held Annually in July/Aug

An event at MNHRZ trial sites, the winter walk allows members an opportunity to engage with researchers and visit the trials planted and outcomes expected.

Spring Field Day & AGM:

Giles Corner

Held Annually in Sep/Oct

MNHRZ’s premier event, allowing members to see all of the trials being conducted by MNHRZ collaborators. Includes a lunch featuring an informative guest speaker.

Gold sponsors